Day 8: What are you grateful for?

Today we pull over and take some time to be grateful for what we have. Gratitude is good medicine and is always time well spent. It helps relieve stress and build positive energy, and it gives us great perspective on life.

When’s the last time you did this?

DAY 2, time for gratitude, The Art of Stopping Time

Thanksgiving just passed here in the US. In the past, I’ve used the holiday to think deeply about the things for which I’m grateful. However, I’m learning to do this on a daily basis.

A few years ago, I started a gratitude journal. Nothing fancy. Just a $1 notebook. At the start of each day, I’d sit down with a copy of coffee and write.

At first, I’d jot down one general thing. Then I started jotting down a few lines. Eventually, I worked my way to filling up an entire page (small notebook).

I’ve neglected the habit the past few weeks. And I can feel the difference. There’s more stress, worry, and anxiety.

So I’m going to rectify this starting right now.

Here are a few things for which I’m grateful:

  • I woke up this morning. That’s 99.9% of being alive, and I tend to take it for granted.
  • My basic needs are met. I have a roof over my head, and food in my belly.
  • I texted back & forth with one of my favorite cousins. Also, I spoke with my Pops!
  • I am gainfully employed at a great company with good people.
  • After a rainy start to the day, the sun came out.

There’s more, but I’ll save something for the notebook.

What are you grateful for?

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